Hate Crimes Overview

Wednesday, November 29, 2023 – Please join us for a Hate Crimes Overview –featuring representatives of the U.S. Department of Justice/FBI and the King County Prosecuting Office Hate Crimes Deputy Prosecuting Attorney– intended for crime victims, non-profit organizations, community leaders, concerned citizens, law students, attorneys, etc.


Book Reading: Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant

Please join us and Curtis Chin for the reading of his memoir “Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant.” Register for this free event here; https://www.eventbrite.com/e/university-book-store-aes-reception-for-curtis-chin-tickets-723137272047 Wednesday November 1st Ocean Star Restaurant...


Stop The Violence Against Our Asian American Communities

Fox13 recently broadcasted a story on local civil rights organizations calling for more help and resources to combat violence impacting Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities in Washington, after local leaders, individuals,...