OCA Condemns Measures Fueling Xenophobia and Discrimination

OCA – Asian Pacific American Advocates condemns H.R. 1398 for unfairly targeting Chinese and Asian Americans, and urges Congress to reconsider the legislation to protect civil liberties and promote unity.

Washington, D.C. — OCA – Asian Pacific American Advocates strongly condemns the recent passage of H.R. 1398, the Protect America’s Innovation and Economic Security from CCP Act of 2024. While the Act aims to address concerns about the influence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), it unfairly targets Chinese Americans and Asian Americans more broadly, creating an environment of suspicion and discrimination.

H.R. 1398 fails to address the nuanced realities of U.S.-China relations and risks inflaming tensions between the two nations. The Act’s broad measures are likely to exacerbate existing discrimination and xenophobia against Chinese Americans and all Asian Americans, reinforcing harmful stereotypes and undermining the community’s contributions to American society. Furthermore, recent rhetoric, such as alarming statements about “eating cats and dogs,” serves to instill xenophobic fear-mongering, further exacerbating anti-immigration sentiments.

OCA calls on Congress to reconsider the implications of this legislation. We urge legislators to engage with community leaders and experts to craft solutions that address legitimate national security concerns without undermining the rights and dignity of individuals. We must strive to promote constructive dialogue and mutual understanding rather than deepen divisions and perpetuate biases.

“H.R. 1398 undermines the core principles of equality and justice and perpetuates damaging stereotypes against the Chinese American and broader Asian American communities,” said OCA – Asian Pacific American Advocates National President Linda Ng. “We urge Congress to reconsider this legislation and focus on policies that foster unity and understanding instead of division and fear.”

“While national security is a crucial issue,” said OCA – Asian Pacific American Advocates National Executive Director Thu Nguyen, “It should not come at the expense of the civil liberties and rights of Chinese Americans and Asian Americans. The passage of H.R. 1398 will lead to increased racial profiling and xenophobic incidents, further marginalizing communities that have long been integral to American society.”

Please direct all inquiries to OCA Communications Associate Socheata Sun at socheata.sun@ocanational.org. View this press release on our website.

OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates is a national social justice organization of community advocates dedicated to improving the social, political, and economic well-being of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs). Learn more about our work at ocanational.org/about.

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