OCA National Center Statement on Protecting Students’ Right to Free Expression

The following is a statement from the OCA National Center:

As the new school year begins, OCA — Asian Pacific American Advocates firmly upholds the principle that students’ rights to free speech and peaceable assembly are fundamental to the fabric of our nation, enshrined within the First Amendment of the Constitution. This amendment guarantees all individuals the liberty to express their thoughts and ideas and to come together in peaceful assembly, without fear of censorship or retaliation.

In May 2024 and the months that followed, we witnessed clashes at student protests, raising concerns about the escalation of these protests into violence, often involving excessive use of force and property damage. OCA opposes any actions that transform peaceful protests into vandalism or property damage, including the excessive use of armed tactics and police involvement, as well as retaliation by school administrations against students exercising their rights of expression. Such actions are contrary to the principles of free expression and assembly.

Colleges and universities serve not only as institutions of higher learning but also as hubs of intellectual freedom, where the exchange of diverse ideas is not only encouraged but integral to the academic experience. These institutions are designed to be havens for dialogue and debate, fostering the growth of ideas and movements that challenge the status quo and contribute to societal change. Notably, OCA and Asian American activism were founded on student activism, highlighting the critical role of student voices in shaping our communities and nation.

We urge school administrators to prioritize the safety of all students, including Muslim, Jewish, and Arab students, and to foster an environment of respect and security for every student, faculty, and community member. OCA condemns hate speech towards Muslim, Jewish, and Arab students, whether perpetuated by university administrators, professors, or fellow students.

Institutions must manage disruptions on a case-by-case basis, ensuring that responses from law enforcement are appropriate and measured. Peaceful protests and safety should not be mutually exclusive.

OCA calls on leaders to commit to protecting these rights and ensuring that college and university campuses remain safe havens, free from suppression and hate.

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