The Importance of Ethnic Studies in the United States: A Perspective from Asian American Students
OCA-Greater Seattle Interns and American Ethnic Studies students joined the Asian American Unity Coalition in their podcast to discuss the importance of Ethnic Studies in the United States. Listen below or via Google podcast here.
Additionally, our interns created a video on this topic; Finding Roots: The Importance of Asian American Studies

AAUC Podcast #34: The Story of Saving Los Angeles' Little Tokyo #BillWatanabe#JackHanna – AAUC Podcast
- AAUC Podcast #34: The Story of Saving Los Angeles' Little Tokyo #BillWatanabe#JackHanna
- The Legacy and Tragedy of Afghan American Community #AarushAzizzada #Afghan#JackHanna
- Collaborating to Achieve Unity #AAUC#C100#CindyTsai#SKLo
- #31: The Importance of Ethnic Studies in the United States: A Perspective from Asian American Students #UWAsianAmericanStudy#ConnieSo
- An Asian American Mover & Shaker – #HelenZia#SocialJustice#anti-AsianHate